
Collection of my writings - from time to time I like to make notes.
Taxation is Theft

Taxation is Theft

Taxation is Theft: An Analysis The concept of taxation has been a source of contention for centuries, with some considering it as a necessary aspect of modern society and others viewing it as an infringement of personal liberty. In recent years, the idea that taxation is theft has gained traction,

Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery

Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery

Mental slavery is a form of enslavement that can be just as limiting and debilitating as physical slavery. It involves being held captive by negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy coping mechanisms that prevent you from reaching your full potential. In order to live a fulfilling life, it is essential

Develop a Sovereign Mindset

Develop a Sovereign Mindset

A sovereign mindset is a state of mental and emotional independence and self-reliance. It involves taking full responsibility for one's own thoughts, feelings, and actions, and recognizing the power within oneself to create a fulfilling and meaningful life. At the core of a sovereign mindset is the belief

Biological Laboratories in Ukraine: A Growing Concern

Biological Laboratories in Ukraine: A Growing Concern

In 2005 In recent years, reports of biological laboratories being discovered in Ukraine have been making headlines. These laboratories, which are suspected of being involved in the production and distribution of illegal biological weapons, have raised serious concerns about the safety and security of the country and the surrounding region.



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