From Algarve to Albion: a Driving Odyssey to rival the adventures of Odysseus.

From Algarve to Albion: a Driving Odyssey to rival the adventures of Odysseus.

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Greetings, friend!

As you embark on yet another edition of our illustrious newsletter, I am pleased to share with you a tale of epic proportions. Join me as we travel from Algarve to Albion, in what can only be described as a driving odyssey of the highest order.

But that's not all! We have some exciting news to share with you. Also, our latest podcast is now live and ready for your listening pleasure. I've also been learning some fascinating things recently, and can't wait to share them with you.

And of course, let us not forget about Sovereign Life Coaching. We have some exciting updates to share on that front as well, so be sure to stay tuned.

So what are you waiting for, dear reader? Let us not waste another moment, but dive headfirst into this week's edition of our newsletter!


First up. I'm excited to announce that my membership program will be launching on my website next week! From now on my content will be spilt into two parts. Part 1 will be available for free on all the usual platforms. But if you become a member, you'll unlock access to Part 2 and other exclusive members-only content that I'll be creating in the near future.

Joining is easy and affordable, with monthly membership starting at just £5 and yearly subscriptions available for £50. If you're feeling extra generous, you can even purchase a lifetime subscription for £500, which will help keep the project running smoothly as I pursue my big ambitions. You can read more about the membership programme here, or subscribe below.  

By becoming a member, you'll be supporting me in covering the costs of running this project, which are starting to add up. If you appreciate what I do and want to see more of it, I encourage you to join the community and see what exclusive content awaits you. I promise, you won't be disappointed!


I was forced to take a short hiatus after my driving odyssey from Algarve to Albion and it took me a few days to recover, unpack and set up my studio again at home.

So I can now publish this week's episode with you, featuring Graham Moore, who returns once again to share his vast knowledge of English constitutional law, sovereignty, and the hidden history of the British Union. Our conversation was truly engaging, and I hope you'll enjoy it too...

On a separate note, while my ban from uploading to YouTube has expired, my second strike runs until June 16th. As a result, to avoid the risk of a third strike and the deletion of my channel, I'll only upload completely safe content to YouTube.

Graham has faced deletion from YouTube three times, including a channel with a 100,000 subscribers so I'm not going to risk it. Therefore, I see this as an opportunity to build my Rumble channel, which as a platform seems committed to free speech. So please consider subscribing to my channel as at the time of writing I only have 100 subs, so could really use your support. Thank you!

Mans World Magazine

Also, I was interviewed for Raw Egg Nationalist's Mans World Magazine by the fabulous Noor Bin Laden (yes that's Osama's niece). The interview is on page 298 and you can download the magazine below:

Algarve to Albion Driving Odyssey

And now for our main story, something different than I normally post. My journey home was so epic that I thought I'd share the travelogue with you ...

After three wonderful months in Algarve my travel visa expired so I packed up and headed home to Albion. With a few days to spare before my ferry from Bilbao in Spain, I decided to take the scenic route and drive up Portugal's coast and then across to the Basque region in Spain, which is a similar route to the legendary Camino de Santiago or the "Way of St James", which by coincidence I've just been invited to walk by my great friend Paul Kier. More on that in the future.


Starting in Lagos, my first stop was Lisbon to meet my friend Joao, an immigration lawyer and son of a diplomat to have a coffee and say goodbye.

Lisbon is 185 miles from Lagos and a 3 three hour drive. I've visited Lisbon twice; the first time with the family for a weekend break, and the second time to watch Roger Waters as we discussed in the last newsletter. It really is a fantastic city and one of my favourites so I don't need to be asked twice to visit.

After a couple of cafe duplo's, a pastel de nata and a chat about Brazil my time with Joao was up and my next next leg to Nazare about to begin.


Nazare is about 75 miles north of Lisbon on the coast.

Nazare, an old fishing village, used to rely on oxen to pull the boats onto the beach before the harbor was built. Women still wear the traditional dress, consisting of a black kerchief and seven flannel skirts.

The village is divided into three parts: Pederneira, Praya, and Sitio, the latter of which offers a stunning view of Nazare and its beach. The village's boulevard is lined with terraced restaurants and bars, while the Sitio plaza features the Nossa Senhora de Nazare church and a small chapel linked to the legend of Fuas Rupinho. The chapel was built at the spot where Fuas Rupinho's horse miraculously stopped at the very edge of a cliff, saving his life.

In the past, Nazare was typically deserted during the winter season; however, it has since become a renowned hub for big wave surfing. This transformation is chronicled in the 2021 HBO documentary, "100 Foot Wave," which features the pro-surfer Garrett McNamara. With eight Guinness World Records for surfing the largest waves ever recorded, Garrett is credited with putting Nazare on the global surfing map. The resort now attracts big wave surfers from around the world and thousands of spectators. The gigantic waves, comparable to skyscrapers, are created by Europe's largest underwater canyon.

When I arrived I wandered around the main beach, which was stunning, but the sea was completely flat and there were no surfers. I called my old mate, and filmmaker Mike Cockayne, who put me on to Nazare. He said "Not that beach stupid, the other beach on the other side of the mountain". Mike produced and directed the Irish smash hit Hardy Bucks so he doesn't mince his words.

Off I went.

As I arrived, I marvelled at the desolate beauty of the beach, it was different than the tourist beach just the other side of the mountain because this beach had large waves crashing on the shore shooting spray into the air. Noisy, violent and awesome.

They were not the 100ft waves that surfers flock to in winter but still very impressive. It puzzled me why this beach was so different. It turns out there's a submarine canyon 200km long and 5km deep that creates the monster waves on this beach alone.

So, I parked my VW camper, perched myself on a rock, and sat for over an hour absorbing the environment before reluctantly departing. If you're a surfing enthusiast or simply love the ocean's fierce beauty, put Nazare on your travel itinerary.


Next on my itinerary was Fatima, a town due east of Nazare and about an hour away.

Fatima is a site of remarkable significance, having played host to one of the most iconic and influential prophecies in modern Catholic history. Here, the Virgin Mary appeared to three children and unveiled a vision of the future, which has captured the imaginations of countless people worldwide. For individuals like Bishop Richard Williamson, whom I had the pleasure of interviewing a couple of years ago, the Fatima prophecy represents a profound and inspiring moment in the history of Catholicism.

The visitation by the Virgin Mary included these events:

The Three Secrets

The first two secrets include a vision of hell and a warning of World War II. The third secret, related to the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981. But the there is controversy over the third secret, as to whether it's true or fully revealed, as the Church only disclosed it in 2000, 83 years after the Fatima event.

The Miracle of the Sun

In which thousands of people reported that the sun danced in the sky, changed colours and appeared to fall to the ground.

The conversion of Russia to Christianity

Which was then under Communist rule at the time

The Devotion the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Heart

Which symbolised humanity's need for repentance.

As a result, Fatima has become an essential pilgrimage for Catholics.

It was only a fleeting visit so I visited the famous Chapel of Apparitions, which is one of the most significant religious sites in the world as it's where the Virgin Mary reportedly appeared. It's a simple structure but its walls are adorned with beautiful stained glass windows depicting scenes from the bible.

As I left and wandered into town but what struck me most was the commercialisation of the pilgrimage industry with tons of shops selling all kinds of religious icons and priest garb but the weirdest things are bodyparts made out of candles.

These are thrown in to a fire pit at the Shrine of Fatima as a religious offering to the Virgin Mary. It's very odd.

All this pilgriming made me hungry. I hunted out a steak house and enjoyed a delicious T-bone steak for just 24 Euros which was cooked in front of me a charcoal BBQ. It was exactly what I needed to refuel.

I originally planned to stay the night in Fatima but there wasnt much going on. So I decided to keep on driving to Porto, where I could get a drink and enjoy the nightlife.


After another two hours of driving, I arrived in Porto just as the city was ramping up for the night. I drove around the city, getting a feel for it taking in the sights. I passed by the classic Sao Bento Station, the Baroque Clerigos Tower and the Ribeira, the historic riverside district.

Eventually though, after all the driving I needed a drink. So I came to a halt at the Ribeira where you can find all the cool bars so I locked up the van and headed in. Living a Sovereign Life, I know how to park wherever I want, with no fear of yellow lines or tickets. If you want this type of freedom check out my Sovereign Life Coaching program below.

I explored the Ribeira at a slow pace. Porto is a cool city, with an industrial and gritty vibe that contrasted with Lisbon's Art Deco charm. Although I love Lisbon and had now visited it three times, Porto had a certain character and edge that intrigued me.

I decided to dive into the city's nightlife and mingle with the locals. I wandered from one bar to another, savouring  different beers, chased with a shot of Jameson whiskey.

As I suspected, my plan got messy, and by 2am I found myself in a dive bar in the backstreets of Porto, belting out Porto FC songs with my newfound friends. But, as I'm not a seasoned drinker anymore the whiskey and the journey were starting to take their toll.

I headed back to the van, but I was too drunk to setup up the pop-up roof bed so I improvised a makeshift sleeping surface in the back of the van with my legs dangling over the front seats.

The next morning, I woke up to a pounding headache and a stinking hangover. I was fully clothed and luckily I'd used my trusty bedpan during the night to avoid any embarrassing mishaps. As the sun rose over Porto, I noticed curious pedestrians peering into my van at the busy intersection where I had parked. It was time to go.

My plan to spend the day hanging around Porto was dashed. I was too rough for that and I knew I didn't want to spend the day holed up in a hotel, so my visit to Porto was to be fleeting. I decided to hit the road and head towards drive to Bilbao where I could get a hotel and chill out for a couple of days until the ferry was ready to depart. The worst part of this plan was that Bilbao was a 6 1/2 hr drive away. Fuck it.

While I'd love to return to Porto with more time and less pressure, my impulsive decision to get drunk had led me on a wild adventure that left me with unforgettable memories and some new friends.


After a couple of hrs driving I took a much-needed pit stop at the Gothic city of Leon, Spain, which sat halfway between Porto and Bilbao. Despite being on the same landmass, I noticed distinct cultural differences between the Spanish and Portuguese. For instance, every bar in Leon offered traditional tapas to accompany your beer, a treat I hadn't really experienced in Portugal, and the Portuguese don't have the Siesta tradition.

As soon as I stepped into Leon, I was struck by how quintessentially Spanish it felt. The city was impeccably clean, and it exuded a sense of safety. Children played and hung out, and the people seemed united and content, something that made me nostalgic for the same unity back in England, which now feels like a distant memory.

As mentioned earlier Leon is a popular stop on the Camino de Santiago "Walk of St James" pilgrimage.

Leon is home to some of the most impressive Gothic buildings in Spain, the most impressive being the Cathedral but also to the intricate Basílica de San Isidoro. The city boasted a wealth of historic landmarks that showcased its rich cultural heritage. I spent an hour wandering around, marvelling at the details and soaking in the vibrant energy of the city.

Before hitting the road again, I grabbed some authentic tapas and a San Miguel. I was grateful for the pitstop in Leon and to experience their cool city. I'd definitely return.


As my journey approached its end, I had become accustomed to the long drives that lay ahead of me. On my way to Bilbao, I drove across the Iberian Peninsula, through breathtaking mountain ranges and seemingly endless vineyards. It was a spectacular route, and the scenery was epic.

By the time I arrived, I was exhausted. I had little patience for driving around so immediately found a hotel in the heart of the city. I parked my van outside and crashed into my room. It was late in the afternoon, and I was in no mood for moving. After driving for 900 miles in roughly 36 hours, all I wanted was food and sleep.

The following day, I woke up a little sore and stiff from all the driving but eager to explore Bilbao. I visited several notable sites, such as the Casco Viejo, a charming old town district with narrow streets and artisan shops, the Arriaga Theater, a stunning Neoclassical building with an impressive façade, and the Guggenheim Museum, a true architectural masterpiece designed by Frank Gehry.

Despite the museum's iconic exterior, I was underwhelmed by the modern art inside. They seemed meaningless and uninspiring. However, I was impressed by the massive iron structures on the ground floor, known as "The Matter of Time," just due to their sheer scale. I'm glad I visited but generally speaking I'm not a massive fan of modern art as I think it's is a big con and a gigantic money laundering operation.  Anyone who says "you just don't understand it" is full of shit.

In the evening, I strolled through the city's vibrant streets and was struck by the warm family atmosphere in the bars. Parents were out with their children, enjoying themselves without the drama and conflict that is often found in England. It's quite an alien experience to see kids out in bars.

The bars were packed, spilling out onto the streets, but the people were sophisticated and well-behaved. I wasn't drinking as Porto finished me off, so I just grabbed some food and enjoyed a delicious meal of steak tartare and Iberian-style tagliatelle carbonara before heading back to my hotel for some much-needed rest.

My ferry crossing was scheduled for the next day, and I was eager to complete my journey.

Ferry Crossing

I got up early, hit the spa in the hotel, then hit the road. It was a 25 minute drive to the ferry terminal. I did once last search of my van for any overlooked contraband (you know the score) and boarded the ferry without incident.

French outfit Brittany Ferries were running the show. It was a 28 hr crossing, so I just slept, ate nice french food, watched some football, listened to podcasts - mainly Caribbean Rhythms, did a bit of reading and writing and enjoyed not having any internet. It was actually quite an enjoyable experience.

The Last Leg Home

I arrived in Portsmouth,  and strapped myself in for the final leg: A five hour drive to Merseyside. It was uneventful but I didn't mind,  I just drifted off to podcasts and music, and reminisced about Algarve and the trip home. I arrived a 12am, parked up, grabbed my rucksack and left everything else in the van. I went in the house, glugged down a litre of plasma, which I hadn't had since I began my journey and flopped on the bed. I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Looking back, It was an epic journey something like 1300 miles and a 28hr ferry - a true odyssey I'll never forget. And while I'm not sure if I'll do it again anytime soon, who knows what the future holds?

In any case, I know this was long, probably the longest piece I've ever written but I felt compelled to share the story. I hope you enjoyed it.

Things I Learned This Week

  • You can rig up Elon Musk's Starlink to your vehicle, in this case my van. Starlink is a high-speed satellite internet service provided by SpaceX. This is a game-changer for me as it means I can livestream direct from my van or campsite. I was chatting to Graham Moore this week, and he said if the internet goes down, as Uncle Klaus is threatening, Starlink will be the only service operating.
  • Solutions come to you while walking. I already knew this, but I got another experience of it this week. Towards the end of my walk, a solution to a creative problem I'd been struggling with came to me fully formed in a flash. I wasn't even thinking about it. I'd put it on the back burner, but my subconscious must have thought it important enough to figure it out. Walking solves problems; let's not forget Nietzsche's famous quote, "It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth". Try it, but without your phone or any other distractions.
  • At the time of writing, I'm on Day 7 of a Plasma fast (plasma is salted water). That means no food, no tea or coffee. Just plasma. However, Darko Velcek who is mentoring me, told me I can add CDS (Chlorine Dioxide) to the Plasma which oxygenates my blood during the fast and doesn't kick you out of autophagy. I'm drinking about 6 litres of plasma a day so I now add about 10ml of CDS to one of the bottles. For more info, check out Darko's work here, and this podcast I did with Dr Andreas Kalcker about CDS. You should definitely look into Plasma fasting if you have any health issues.

Okay, that's about all I have for this week. Just to remind you Membership launches next week, and I really do hope you can support me. Subscribe below.

Coming Up Next Week

  • I'm thrilled to host Raw Egg Nationalist again, and he will have the distinction of the first person to be on the show three times. REN is a really great guy, and I love talking to him. You can watch our previous podcasts here and here.
  • I may do a Livestream mid-week, but I haven't decided yet.

Sovereign Life Coaching

Are you ready to take your desire for freedom to the next level? Look no further than Sovereign Life Coaching. We can help you navigate the complex world of personal sovereignty, from learning the philosophy to putting it into action.

Not sure where to start? We offer guidance on everything from obtaining a second passport and residency in another country to setting up an international bank account and company. And for those seeking to protect their property and assets from pirates who seek to rob them, we provide expert advice on setting up trusts, understanding the common law and civil law to know how to enforce your fundamental rights and freedoms.

But that's not all. We can also show you how to buy gold and silver, a key component of any solid wealth preservation strategy, especially in a fiat economy close to collapse.

So what are you waiting for? Book a free introductory call with me today and take the first step towards true financial independence. The philosophy of sovereignty is within your reach, and we can help you make it a reality.

Book a call here:


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Thank you for taking the time to read my email and for supporting my work. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions by replying to this email or contacting me

Until next time friend,

Loz x

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