Embracing the WhitePill: A Guide to Choosing Hope

Embracing the WhitePill: A Guide to Choosing Hope

Hello Friend,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter! We're excited to bring you the latest updates and insights on topics ranging from culture wars to health and wellness. In this edition, we'll be discussing the concept of the WhitePill, sharing an interview with Barry Maguire, learning about the healing power of Plasma and highlighting some thought-provoking books we're currently reading. We hope you find this newsletter informative and engaging, and as always, feel free to share it with others who may benefit from it. Let's dive in!

Sovereign Mind

In this week's Sovereign Mind Podcast, we discussed the idea of the WhitePill, a concept that offers an antidote to demoralisation and provides hope and optimism for those who have taken the RedPill and are awake to the true nature of reality.

As we learn more about the lies and deceptions perpetuated by our government, media, and medical institutions, it's easy to become demoralised and lose hope. However, the WhitePill offers an alternative perspective that emphasises the possibility of a brighter future and provides actionable steps we can take to embrace traditional structures of society and live free from debt slavery.

But what exactly is the WhitePill? At its core, the WhitePill is about recognising the power of positivity and focusing on the wins we have in the culture war. It's about celebrating even small victories, like the recent revelations about Matt Hancock's WhatsApp messages, which confirmed to the Normies that we were right about the monumental psychological operation that was Covid and its variants.

While some may dismiss these wins as distractions or part of another Psyop, it's important to recognise their value in improving morale and promoting a sense of hope and optimism. After all, demoralisation is the ultimate goal of those who seek to conquer us, and we cannot be conquered if we maintain high morale and the motivation to resist.

So how can we take the WhitePill and apply it to our lives? Here are a few practical tips:

Embrace positivity: It's easy to get caught up in negativity and doom and gloom, but focusing on the positive can help us stay motivated and inspired. Surround yourself with positive people, and seek out news and information that inspires hope and optimism.

Celebrate the wins: Whether it's a small victory or a major breakthrough, take the time to celebrate and acknowledge the progress that you and others are making. This can help build momentum and keep you motivated to keep pushing forward.

Take action: The WhitePill is about more than just feeling good - it's about taking action towards a better life and a brighter future. Identify concrete steps you can take to improve your situation and work towards your goals, whether it's paying off debt, starting a business, or advocating for change in your community.

Remember, taking the WhitePill is not just about feeling good - it's about embracing hope and optimism, celebrating the wins, and taking action towards a better future. So take the WhitePill today, and start living your best life!

You can watch our discussion on the WhitePill, and the other Pills here:


Barry Maguire returned to EyesWideOpen for a powerful discussion about the state of play in Liverpool. This is an episode you don't want to miss as Barry pulls no punches telling us what he think of the corruption that is endemic in Liverpool City Council and the country in general:

Coming Up Next Week

Don't miss out on these exciting shows happening next week:

  • EWO Live is back! Join us on Tuesday at 7pm for our weekly news Livestream, where we'll be discussing some of the most important news items from the culture war. Our panel of experts will offer insightful commentary and analysis on the latest developments, so tune in to stay informed.
  • Join me on EyesWideOpen next week (either Wed or Fri) as I sit down with Dr David Cartland, a former NHS General Practitioner who was unjustly sanctioned during the pandemic for speaking out against the inconsistencies of "The Science". Now that the truth is being revealed, we'll talk about his experience and what's coming next in the fight for justice.
  • On Thursday at 7pm, my co-host Stephen Eagles and I will be discussing truth and freedom on the Sovereign Mindset podcast. We'll delve into thought-provoking ideas and explore ways to reclaim our individual and collective sovereignty in a world that seeks to undermine it.

Mark your calendars and make sure to tune in for these thought-provoking and informative uploads.

Things I Learnt

I have been following Darko Velcek's protocol, which involves consuming several litres of plasma daily to hydrate and purify my body at the cellular level. Plasma is simply clean water with added sea salt (1 tsp per litre). When I wake up, I drink 1.5 litres of plasma and then at least 3 more litres throughout the day.

I have personally experienced profound benefits from this practice, including improved mental clarity, increased energy, and enhanced flexibility.

Darko Velcek will be joining us as a guest on EyesWideOpen soon to share his discoveries in more detail. Stay tuned for more information!

Books I'm Reading

  • Bronze Age Mindset is a captivating modern classic that draws inspiration from Nietzsche's philosophy. It explores the topics of vitality, masculinity, and navigating the challenges of the modern world.
  • After reading the above, I felt inspired to delve into Nietzsche's work and chose to start with Twilight of Idols, the perfect introduction to his canon. I'll update you when I've finished.

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As Friedrich Nietzsche said, "From life’s military school. What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger."

Until next time,




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